Iron Infusion
Can you believe this I am posting again within only a few days ! I wanted to share the experience I had today with the Iron Infusion. I had to go to the Caner Center to have the procedure done. First they take blood then you go to the treatment room and sit till the nurses get your blood results. Then they take your vitals before the treatment begins which by the way takes about 30 min., everyone is different some can last for up to 2 hrs. Well, the nurse came to me, started the IV and came back in a half hour, checked my vitals again, reason being is that some folks can have a reaction to the Iron again after another 15 minutes the nurse checked my vitals and and one more time I was checked and was done for the treatment.
Now, one of the side effects is shortness of breath and of course I am a cancer 2yrs. surviver and currently having a really tough time with my COPD exacerbation's and SOB. I have one more treatment for next wk. once I get to the Cancer Center I will talk to the nurse about my reactions
I had to have the nurse put me in a wheel chair to take me to my car. Once I got home the burning in my chest was awful along with the SOB, so I did two Nebulizer Treatments and took another stomach pill for the burning in my chest and it worked ! Took a nap for about 45min. I feel better now.
As I said earlier everyone is different if you have any medical questions best to talk them over with your Dr. If you have any questions for me, I will be happy to reply.
Until we meet again my friends remember,
Breathe Easy,
Inhale ~~~123